Performing over 700 rapid COVID tests in a limited time frame is a challenging task. However, OnSite Health rose to the occasion and delivered exceptional results, demonstrating effectiveness and efficiency.
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OnSite Health’s Role in Administrating Rapid COVID Tests
An American headquartered, global Fortune 500 company that manufactures, markets, and distributes well known, household name, consumer and commercial products hosted a leadership and sales conference at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel on Canal Street. More than 700 people attended the conference. To ensure a safe environment, the organization turned to OnSite Health to perform fast and accurate COVID tests at the conference.
The Fortune 500 company had previously worked with the OnSite Health team on numerous occasions over the last few years, that’s why they were confident in OnSite’s delivery of quality results at the New Orleans conference.
Maintaining a high volume of processing while managing dozens of people arriving in groups at the venue is no small feat. Each individual test had to be monitored and results needed to be reported directly to the participant for admission to the event.
The OnSite team was comprised of 8 people: 4 corporate employees and 4 New Orleans-based staff members to process the volume. Among the team were Connie Bryan, RN, OnSite Health Founder and CEO; Raelynn Kovath, RN; Patti Wroblewski, RN; and Andy Qualls, OnSite Health National Account Executive.
OnSite Health Delivering Results
OnSite Health delivered efficient and effective COVID testing services for the Fortune 500 company’s event in New Orleans due to excellent preparedness and support from their entire team. Testing, timing, and notifications went smoothly, resulting in positive feedback from the participants. Overall, the presence of OnSite Health’s skilled and experienced team, both corporate and local, was a key factor in their success in delivering COVID testing services for the Fortune 500 company event in New Orleans. This demonstrates OnSite Health’s commitment to providing high-quality healthcare services and the ability to meet client needs.
The success of the event has led to anticipation for many more, and OnSite Health is looking forward to working with them and other large employers in the future.