There has been an ongoing debate about the safety of aspartame. In this blog, we will explore what is aspartame and the current state of research on its safety.
Building a Healthier Workforce with Biometric Screenings
Prioritizing employee health and wellness is vital for organizational success, that’s why implementing biometric screenings can be a game changer.
Protecting Brain Health: How to Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, a time to promote and raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and provide tips on how to protect brain health.
Heat-Related Illnesses: How to Stay Safe this Summer
Summer brings more outdoor activities, increasing the risk of heat-related illnesses. Stay aware, hydrated, and take precautions to stay safe in the heat.
What is CPR? The Key to a Safer Workplace
CPR is an important skill for designated employees to learn to respond effectively in such emergencies. Learn what is CPR, how does it create a safer workplace.
Signs of Diabetes: What You Need to Know
Diabetes is an important health concern as it can lead to serious health issues if left untreated. That’s why it’s important to recognize the signs of diabetes.
Why Is Hearing Conservation in the Workplace So Important?
As an employer you are responsible for providing a safe working environment for your employees that includes incorporating workplace hearing conservation.
Why It’s Important to Lower Cholesterol Levels
Cholesterol is essential for good health, but too much cholesterol poses a threat to your health. Let’s explain why it is important to lower cholesterol levels.